Monday, September 22, 2008

This one's for Daddy.....
When Hugh is on the road, he loves checking the blog and finding updates with new pictures of Houston. He is so sweet to comment about it and looks at it over and over. So, Hugh, this one is just for you. I took these pictures of Houston one afternoon when we were playing out in the yard. The first thing he does when we get home from school is run to the cabinet and reach for a snack. Then he goes to the refrigerator for a drink. It's then straight to the backdoor so he can go outside and play where we stay until dinner. We usually go back outside until it's bath time.

He can climb in the swing by himself now and doesn't want to be buckled in-he likes dragging his feet and falling out.
Look out ladies!! This convertible is a chick magnet if I've ever seen one. Here, he is actually waving at the school bus across the street. He puts his cup in the holder on the side, and we're off to see the neighborhood. It has a horn and plays music. The ultimate chick picker upper.
Have convertible, will travel. Love you daddy!!


Stacy said...

Ruby Kate is getting the pink girlie version of that convertable! Too cute.

Stacy said...

P.S. I checked with Susan and she said that there is no ancient chinese proverb relating to monkey voodoo.