Saturday, August 22, 2009

The End
We spent our last afternoon and evening at the beach. This was the most time Hugh got to spend relaxing without working, driving, going to theme parks, or waiting in line. We had an awesome time.
It was fun to be there together as a family.......
It was fun to watch Hugh play with Houston. And he is so good at it.

Hugh said he especially loved this ocean this year. He was like an old man walking the shore and collecting shells, which are now in a jar on his desk. Hmmmmm.

Time to pack up and head out-Houston loves to ride these hotel carts. We just prayed we were still under the weight limit for our bags and we could get our hats, shovel, and 3-string guitar home that we bought at Goodwill. No problems-we all arrived safe and sound. Here's to California 2010!!

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